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Momma & Daddy

Our babies are having babies.  This is thier first and probably only litter.  

Momma - born 6.18.2012

Mom is an energetic, happy girl.  She loves to lick and is very athletic, agile and coordinated.  


We took her through puppy obedience courses where she did very well. She's a quick study, if a little obstinant.  She always wants to be in the lead during walks, so heel was not fun!  But she is a very family oriented dog and is happy to please us. 


Typical of the breed, she's very protective of her family and nervous around strangers.  


She follows our kids around just to be near them, giving kisses and ensuring she is adequatly attended to in the affection department.  She is especially attracted to our daughter.   She loves anything girly and wants to share with our daughter (blankets, bed, toys....).   If dogs don't see in color, how does she know which  blanket is pink?


She was destructive as a small pup, but limits herself to her toys and the occassional lonely paper towel now.  If there is confetti, you can usually find it's source at the top of the stairs, where she sits on her favorite step, surveying us from on high.

Daddy - born 6.12.2012

Daddy is a little more laid back, but anything that gets momma excited he gets excited about, too.


This guy is all about food.  He watches for any opportunity to beg, borrow or steal a meal.  He has learned to be very well behaved, though, and no longer steals from the counter or the kids plates.  Anything on the ground, however, is fair game within seconds.  


This smartypants is an escape artist.  He learned (and then taught momma) how to open the child gate at the top of the stairs.  After all, he's no child and it can't have been meant for him!


He is very friendly, but he's a workin man, so if the kids run - or even move too fast - he trys to join the fun.  He loves to herd and keeps us all in line by counting us and keeping tabs on our movements.


For some reason, he likes to burrow his head into one of his human family's legs and just stand there.  He'll stand there for minutes at a time.  Although we appreciate the submissive sentiment, we must admit that it's more funny than functional...

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